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Ansiblizing a recipe for Swarm

This section is under construction 🔨

This section is a serious work-in-progress, and reflects the current development on the sponsors' "premix" repository So... There may be errors and inaccuracies. Jump into Discord in the #premium-support channel if you're encountering issues 😁

Update deploy.yml

Edit ansible/deploy.yml, and find the swarm section, starting with:

### non-critical swarm recipes start here, alphabeticized

Add an import_role task like this (alphabeticized) at the bottom:

# Setup immich
- { import_role: { name: docker-stack }, vars: { recipe: immich }, tags: [ immich ], when: combined_config.immich.enabled | bool }

Update config

Edit ansible/group_vars/all/main.yml, and edit the recipe_default_config dictionary, adding the necessary values, like this:

  enabled: false #(1)!
  run_pre_deploy: | #(2)!
    mkdir -p /var/data/immich/database-dump
    mkdir -p /var/data/immich/upload
    mkdir -p /var/data/runtime/immich/database 
  run_post_deploy: | #(3)!
    echo "this is just an example to show that it's possible to run tasks post-deploy!"
  1. We disable all non-essential services by default - that way, the user can opt into them in their own config, which is later merged with this master config.
  2. Add as many pre-deploy commands as necessary - typically these will create the necessary data directories. /var/data/config/<recipe> will be created automatically.
  3. Likewise, add any necessary post-deployment commands

Ensure the recipe files are valid

The playbook assumes that /<recipe-name>/<recipe-name>.yml and /<recipe-name>/<recipe-name>.env-sample exist. Without these (and any other supporting files, ending in -sample), unpleasant things will happen!