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Added recipe for Nomie (swarm)

Do you wish you had a chart showing your exercise, weight, or pooping 💩 trends over the past month? Nomie is a beautiful life/self-tracking app, an 8-year labor of love from developer Brandon Corbin.

Brandon has recently shut down the commercially hosted version of Nomie, but open-sourced all the code, so one of the geekier alternatives, buyoued by the still-passionate community of users, is to run your own Nomie instance...

Screenshot of Nomie

It's a PWA with local storage, why self-host at all?

Yes, you could just use, and since the PWA stores your data in your local browser store anyway, you'd get all the functionality without having to deploy a thing. However, if you want to use Nomie from multiple browsers, (i.e., your phone and your desktop), you'll need a way to sync the data, which, in this case, requires your own CouchDB instance. And if you're going to self-host CouchDB, you may as well self-host the PWA too!

To this end, in this recipe, I'll assume we want CouchDB syncing (after all, who only uses one device these days?)

See the recipe for more!