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Authenticate to Kubernetes with authentik OIDC on K3s

This recipe describes how to configure K3s for OIDC authentication against an authentik instance.

For details on why you'd want to do this, see the Kubernetes Authentication Guide.



Setup K3s for OIDC auth

If you followed the k3s install guide, you'll have installed K3s with a command something like this:

curl -fL | K3S_TOKEN=${MYSECRET} \
    sh -s - --disable traefik server

To configure the apiserver to perform OIDC authentication, you need to add some extra kube-apiserver arguments. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Append the arguments to your curl | bash command, like a lunatic
  2. Add the arguments to a config file which K3s will parse upon start, like a gentleman

Here's the lunatic option:

Lunatic curl | bash option

And here's the gentlemanly option:

Create /etc/rancher/k3s/config.yaml, and add:

Gentlemanly YAML config option
- "oidc-issuer-url="
- "oidc-client-id=kube-apiserver"
- "oidc-username-claim=email"
- "oidc-groups-claim=groups"

Now restart k3s (systemctl restart k3s on Ubuntu), and confirm it starts correctly by watching the logs (journalctl -u k3s -f on Ubuntu)

Assuming nothing explodes, you're good-to-go on attempting to actually connect...

Install kubelogin

For CLI-based access to your cluster, you'll need a "helper" to perform the OIDC magic on behalf of kubectl. Install int128/kubelogin, which is design suited to this purpose.

Use kubelogin to test your OIDC parameters, by running:

kubectl oidc-login setup \
  --oidc-issuer-url=ISSUER_URL \
  --oidc-client-id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID \

All going well, your browser will open a new window, logging you into authentik, and on the CLI you should get output something like this:

~ ❯ kubectl oidc-login setup --oidc-issuer-url= --oidc-client-id=kube-apiserver --oidc-client-secret=<your secret> --oidc-extra-scope=profile,email
authentication in progress...

## 2. Verify authentication

You got a token with the following claims:

  "iss": "",
  "sub": "363d4d0814dbad2d930308dc848342e328b76f925ebba0978a51ddad699022b",
  "aud": "kube-apiserver",
  "exp": 1701511022,
  "iat": 1698919022,
  "auth_time": 1698891834,
  "acr": "",
  "nonce": "qgKevTR1gU9Mh14HzOPPCTaP_Mgu9nvY7ZhJkCeFpGY",
  "at_hash": "TRZOLHHxFxl9HB7SHCIcMw",
  "email": "",
  "email_verified": true,
  "groups": [
    "authentik Admins",

Huzzah, authentication works! 🥳


Make sure you see a groups claim in the output above, and if you don't revisit your scope mapper and your claims in the provider under advanced protocol settings!

Assemble your kubeconfig

Your kubectl access to k3s uses a kubeconfig file at /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml. Treat this file as a root password - it's includes a long-lived token which gives you clusteradmin ("god mode" on your cluster.)

Copy the k3s.yaml file to your local desktop (the one with a web browser), into $HOME/.kube/config, and modify it, changing server: to match the URL of (one of) your control-plane node(s).

Test using kubectl cluster-info locally, ensuring that you have access.

Amend the kubeconfig file for your OIDC user, by running a variation of:

kubectl config set-credentials oidc \ \
 --exec-command=kubectl \
 --exec-arg=oidc-login \
 --exec-arg=get-token \
 --exec-arg=--oidc-issuer-url= \
 --exec-arg=--oidc-client-id=kube-apiserver \
 --exec-arg=--oidc-client-secret=<your client secret> \
 --exec-arg=--oidc-extra-scope=profile \

Test your OIDC powerz by running kubectl --user=oidc cluster-info.

Now gasp in dismay as you discover that your request was denied for lack of access! 😱

Error from server (Forbidden): services is forbidden: User "" 
cannot list resource "services" in API group "" in the namespace "kube-system"

Create clusterrolebinding

That's what you wanted, right? Security? Locking out unauthorized users? Ha.

Now that we've confirmed that kube-apiserver knows your identity (authn), create a clusterrolebinding to tell it what your identity is authorized to do (authz), based on your group membership.

The following is a simple clusterrolebinding which will grant all members of the admin-kube-apiserver full access (cluster-admin), to get you started:

kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: oidc-group-admin-kube-apiserver
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin # (1)!
- kind: Group
  name: oidc:admin-kube-apiserver # (2)!
  1. The role to bind
  2. The subject (group, in this case) of the binding

Apply your clusterrolebinding using the usual GitOps magic (I put mine in /authentic/clusterrolebinding-oidc-group-admin-kube-apiserver.yaml).

Run kubectl --user=oidc cluster-info again, and confirm you are now authorized to see the cluster details.

If this works, set your user context permanently, using kubectl config set-context --current --user=oidc.


Run kubectl krew install whoami to install the whoami plugin, and then kubectl whoami to confirm you're logged in with your OIDC account

You now have OIDC-secured CLI access to your cluster!


What have we achieved?

We've setup our K3s cluster to authenticate against authentik, running on that same cluster! We can now create multiple users (with multiple levels of access) without having to provide them with tricky IAM accounts, and deploy kube-apiserver-integrated tools like Kubernetes Dashboard or Weaveworks GitOps for nice secured UIs.



  • K3s cluster with OIDC authentication against authentik
  • Ability to support:
  • We've also retained our static, K3s-generated kubernetes-admin credentials in case OIDC auth fails at some point (keep them safe!)

What's next?

Deploy Weave GitOps to visualize your Flux / GitOps state, and Kubernetes Dashboard for UI management of your cluster!

Chef's notes 📓

  1. Later on, as we add more applications which need kube-apiserver authentication, we'll add more redirect URIs. 

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