This section is a serious work-in-progress, and reflects the current development on the sponsors' "premix" repository So... There may be errors and inaccuracies. Jump into Discord in the #dev channel if you're encountering issues 😁
The design section details why the ansible playbook was designed the way it is. This section outlines how to operate the playbook!
Clone the repo locally, onto whichever host you plan to deploy the playbook from. You'll need an up-to-date installation of Ansible.
Now we'll be creating 3 files..
Create a new file at ansible/hosts.your-username containing a variation on this:
splinteransible_host= Declare your desired proxmox VMs here. Note that the MAC address "lines up" with_# the IP address - this makes troubleshooting L2 issues easier under some circumstances,# and declaring the MAC to proxmox avoids proxmox / terraform force-restarting the VMs# when re-running the playbook.[proxmox_vms]
Replace your-username in the file name and in line #1. This line makes all subsequent groups "children" of a master group based on your username, which we'll use in the following step to let you keep your configs/secrets separate from the main repo, with minimal friction.
If you don't populate a section, it won't get applied. I.e., if you don't care about k8s hosts, don't create any k8s groups, and all the k8s steps in the playbook will be ignored. The same is true for swarm_nodes.
The variables used in the playbook are defined in the ansible/group_vars/all/main.yml. Your variables are going to be defined in a group_vars file based on your username, so that they're treated with a higher preference than the default values.
Create a folder under ansible/group_vars/<your-username> to match the group name you inserted in line #1 of your hosts file, and copy ansible/group_vars/all/main.yml into this folder. Any variables found in this file will override any variables specified in ansible/group_vars/all/main.yml, but any variables not found in your file will be inherited from ansible/group_vars/all/main.yml.
To further streamline config, a "empty" dictionary variable named recipe_config is configured in ansible/group_vars/all/main.yml. In your own vars file (ansible/group_vars/<your-username>/main.yml), populate this variable with your own preferred values, copied from recipe_default_config. When the playbook runs, your values will be combined with the default values.
Commit ansible/group_vars/<your-username>/ to your own repo
For extra geek-fu, you could commit the contents of `ansible/group_vars/<your-username>/ to your own repo, so that you can version/track your own config!
Wait, what about secrets? How are we going to store sensitive information, like API keys etc?
We'll always need to store some secrets, like your proxmox admin credentials. We want to do this in a way which is safe from accidental git commits, as well as convenient for repeated iterations, without having to pass secrets as variables on the command-line.
Enter Ansible Vault, a handy solution for encrypting secrets in a painless way.
Create a password file, containing a vault password (just generate one yourself), and store it outside of the repo:
Insert your secret values into this file (refer to group_vars/all/01_fake_vault.yml for placeholders), using a prefix of vault_, like this:
(You can always re-edit the file by running ansible-vault edit group_vars/<your-username>/vault.yml)
The vault file is encrypted using a secret you store outside the repo, and now you can safely check in and version group_vars/<your-username>/vault.yml without worrying about exposing secrets in cleartext!
Editing ansible-vault files with VSCode
If you prefer to edit your vault file using VSCode (with all its YAML syntax checking) to nasty-ol' CLI editors, you can set your EDITOR ENV variable by running export EDITOR="code --wait".
Deploy (on autopilot)
To deploy the playbook, run ansible-playbook -i hosts.your-username deploy.yml. This will deploy everything on autopilot, including attempting to create VMs using Proxmox, if you've the necessary hosts.
Deploy (selectively)
To run the playbook selectively (i.e., maybe just deploy traefik), add the name of the role(s) to the -t value. This leverages ansible tags to only run tasks which match these tags (in our case, there's a 1:1 relationship between tags and roles).
Deploying on full autopilot above installs a lot of stuff (and more is being added every day). There's a good chance you don't want everything that is or will be included in the playbook. We've created a special tag that will install the base infrastructure up to a point that you can then choose which recipes to install with the "selective" deploy method described above.
This will run the playbook up through the traefik-forward-auth role and leave you with a fresh "blank canvas" that you can then populate with the recipes of your choosing using the "selective" deploy method.
Deploy (with debugging)
If something went wrong, append -vv to your deploy command, for extra-verbose output