Kubernetes Dashboard is the polished, general purpose, web-based UI for Kubernetes clusters. It allows users to manage applications running in the cluster and troubleshoot them, as well as manage the cluster itself.
Importantly, the Dashboard interacts with the kube-apiserver using the credentials you give it. While it's possible to just create a cluster-admin service account, and hard-code the necessary service account into Dashboard, this is far less secure, since you're effectively granting anyone with HTTP access to the dashboard full access to your cluster1.
OAuth2 Proxy to pass the necessary authentication token
Dashboard HelmRepository
We're going to install the Dashboard helm chart from the kubernetes-dashboard repository, so I create the following in my flux repo (assuming it doesn't already exist):
Now that the "global" elements of this deployment (just the HelmRepository in this case) have been defined, we do some "flux-ception", and go one layer deeper, adding another Kustomization, telling flux to deploy any YAMLs found in the repo at /kubernetes-dashboard/. I create this example Kustomization in my flux repo:
apiVersion:kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2kind:Kustomizationmetadata:name:kubernetes-dashboardnamespace:flux-systemspec:interval:30mpath:./kubernetes-dashboardprune:true# remove any elements later removed from the above pathtimeout:10m# if not set, this defaults to interval duration, which is 1hsourceRef:kind:GitRepositoryname:flux-systemhealthChecks:-apiVersion:helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1kind:HelmReleasename:kubernetes-dashboardnamespace:kubernetes-dashboard
Fast-track your fluxing! 🚀
Is crafting all these YAMLs by hand too much of a PITA?
"Premix" is a git repository, which includes an ansible playbook to auto-create all the necessary files in your flux repository, for each chosen recipe!
Let the machines do the TOIL!
Dashboard DNSEndpoint
If, like me, you prefer to create your DNS records the "GitOps way" using ExternalDNS, create something like the following example to create a DNS entry for your Authentik ingress:
Rather than creating individual A records for each host, I prefer to create one A record (nginx-ingress.example.com in the example above), and then create individual CNAME records pointing to that A record.
Dashboard HelmRelease
Lastly, having set the scene above, we define the HelmRelease which will actually deploy kubernetes-dashboard into the cluster. We start with a basic HelmRelease YAML, like this example:
apiVersion:helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1kind:HelmReleasemetadata:name:kubernetes-dashboardnamespace:kubernetes-dashboardspec:chart:spec:chart:kubernetes-dashboardversion:6.0.x# auto-update to semver bugfixes only sourceRef:kind:HelmRepositoryname:kubernetes-dashboardnamespace:flux-systeminterval:15mtimeout:5mreleaseName:kubernetes-dashboardvalues:# paste contents of upstream values.yaml below, indented 4 spaces
If we deploy this helmrelease as-is, we'll inherit every default from the upstream Dashboard helm chart. That's probably hardly ever what we want to do, so my preference is to take the entire contents of the Dashboard helm chart's values.yaml, and to paste these (indented), under the values key. This means that I can then make my own changes in the context of the entire values.yaml, rather than cherry-picking just the items I want to change, to make future chart upgrades simpler.
Why not put values in a separate ConfigMap?
Didn't you previously advise to put helm chart values into a separate ConfigMap?
Yes, I did. And in practice, I've changed my mind.
Why? Because having the helm values directly in the HelmRelease offers the following advantages:
If you use the YAML extension in VSCode, you'll see a full path to the YAML elements, which can make grokking complex charts easier.
When flux detects a change to a value in a HelmRelease, this forces an immediate reconciliation of the HelmRelease, as opposed to the ConfigMap solution, which requires waiting on the next scheduled reconciliation.
Renovate can parse HelmRelease YAMLs and create PRs when they contain docker image references which can be updated.
In practice, adapting a HelmRelease to match upstream chart changes is no different to adapting a ConfigMap, and so there's no real benefit to splitting the chart values into a separate ConfigMap, IMO.
Then work your way through the values you pasted, and change any which are specific to your configuration.
Beware v3.0.0-alpha0
The Dasboard repo's master branch has already been updated to a (breaking) new architecture. Since we're not lunatics, we're going to use the latest stable 6.0.x instead! For this reason, take care to avoid the values.yaml in the repo, but use the link to artifacthub instead.
The following sections detail suggested changes to the values pasted into /kubernetes-dashboard/helmrelease-kubernetes-dashboard.yaml from the Dashboard helm chart's values.yaml. The values are already indented correctly to be copied, pasted into the HelmRelease, and adjusted as necessary.
Enable insecure mode
Because we're using OAuth2 Proxy in front of Dashboard, the incoming request will be HTTP from Dashboard's perspective, rather than HTTPS. We're happy to permit this, so make at least the following change to ExtraArgs below:
Commit the changes to your flux repository, and either wait for the reconciliation interval, or force a reconcilliation using flux reconcile source git flux-system. You should see the kustomization appear...
The reason is that all the hard work (ingress, OIDC authentication, etc) is all handled by OAuth2 Proxy, so provided that's been deployed and tested, you're good-to-go!
Browse to the URL you configured in your OAuth2 Proxy ingress, log into your OIDC provider, and your should be directed to your Kubernetes Dashboard UI, with all the privileges your authentication token gets you
What have we achieved? We've got a dashboard for Kubernetes, dammit! That's amaaazing!
And even better, it doesn't rely on some hacky copy/pasting of tokens, or disabling security, but it uses our existing, trusted OIDC cluster auth. This also means that you can grant other users access to the dashboard with more restrictive (i.e., read-only access) privileges.
Kubernetes Dashboard deployed, authenticated with OIDC-enabled cluster using an Authorization Header with a bearer token, magically provided by OAuth2 Proxy!
Chef's notes 📓
Plus, you wouldn't be able to do tiered access in this scenario ↩
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Is this too much of a geeky PITA? Do you just want results, stat? I do this for a living - I'm a full-time Kubernetes contractor, providing consulting and engineering expertise to businesses needing short-term, short-notice support in the cloud-native space, including AWS/Azure/GKE, Kubernetes, CI/CD and automation.
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