Wekan is an open-source kanban board which allows a card-based task and to-do management, similar to tools like WorkFlowy or Trello.
Wekan allows to create Boards, on which Cards can be moved around between a number of Columns. Boards can have many members, allowing for easy collaboration, just add everyone that should be able to work with you on the board to it, and you are good to go! You can assign colored Labels to cards to facilitate grouping and filtering, additionally you can add members to a card, for example to assign a task to someone.
There's a video of the developer showing off the app, as well as a functional demo.
For added privacy, this design secures wekan behind a traefik-forward-auth, so that in order to gain access to the wekan UI at all, authentication must have already occurred.
Create /var/data/config/wekan.env, and populate with the following variables:
MONGO_URL=mongodb://wekandb:27017/wekanROOT_URL=https://wekan.example.comMAIL_URL=smtp://wekan@wekan.example.com:password@mail.example.com:587/MAIL_FROM="Wekan <wekan@wekan.example.com>"# Mongodb specific database dump detailsBACKUP_NUM_KEEP=7BACKUP_FREQUENCY=1d
Wekan Docker Swarm config
Create a docker swarm config file in docker-compose syntax (v3), something like the example below:
Fast-track with premix! 🚀
"Premix" is a git repository which includes necessary docker-compose and env files for all published recipes. This means that you can launch any recipe with just a git pull and a docker stack deploy 👍.
🚀 Update: Premix now includes an ansible playbook, enabling you to deploy an entire stack + recipes, with a single ansible command! (more here)
version:'3'services:wekandb:image:mongo:latestcommand:mongod --smallfiles --oplogSize 128networks:-internalvolumes:-/var/data/runtime/wekan/database:/data/db-/var/data/wekan/database-dump:/dumpwekan:image:wekanteam/wekan:latestnetworks:-internal-traefik_publicenv_file:/var/data/config/wekan/wekan.envdeploy:labels:# traefik common-traefik.enable=true-traefik.docker.network=traefik_public# traefikv1-traefik.frontend.rule=Host:wekan.example.com-traefik.port=4180# traefikv2-"traefik.http.routers.wekan.rule=Host(`wekan.example.com`)"-"traefik.http.services.wekan.loadbalancer.server.port=4180"-"traefik.enable=true"# Remove if you wish to access the URL directly-"traefik.http.routers.wekan.middlewares=forward-auth@file"db-backup:image:mongo:latestenv_file :/var/data/config/wekan/wekan.envvolumes:-/var/data/wekan/database-dump:/dump-/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:roentrypoint:|bash -c 'bash -s <<EOFtrap "break;exit" SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERMsleep 2mwhile /bin/true; domongodump -h db --gzip --archive=/dump/dump_\`date +%d-%m-%Y"_"%H_%M_%S\`.mongo.gz(ls -t /dump/dump*.mongo.gz|head -n $$BACKUP_NUM_KEEP;ls /dump/dump*.mongo.gz)|sort|uniq -u|xargs rm -- {}sleep $$BACKUP_FREQUENCYdoneEOF'networks:-internalnetworks:traefik_public:external:trueinternal:driver:overlayipam:config:-subnet:
Setup unique static subnets for every stack you deploy. This avoids IP/gateway conflicts which can otherwise occur when you're creating/removing stacks a lot. See my list here.
Launch Wekan stack
Launch the Wekan stack by running docker stack deploy wekan -c <path -to-docker-compose.yml>
Log into your new instance at https://**YOUR-FQDN**, with user "root" and the password you specified in wekan.env.
Chef's notes 📓
If you wanted to expose the Wekan UI directly, you could remove the traefik-forward-auth from the design. ↩
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Is this too much of a geeky PITA? Do you just want results, stat? I do this for a living - I'm a full-time Kubernetes contractor, providing consulting and engineering expertise to businesses needing short-term, short-notice support in the cloud-native space, including AWS/Azure/GKE, Kubernetes, CI/CD and automation.
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