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Consolidating multiple manager changes in Renovate PRs

I work on several large clusters, administered using FluxCD, which in which we carefully manage the update of Helm releases using Flux's HelmRelease CR.

Recently, we've started using Renovate to alert us to pending upgrades, by creating PRs when a helm update or an image update in the associated helm values.yaml is available (I like to put the upstream chart's values in to the HelmRelease so that changes can be tracked in one place)

The problem is, it's likely that the images in a chart's values.yaml will be updated when the chart is updated, but I don't need a separate PR for each image! (imagine a helm chart with 10 image references!)

The first time I tried this, I ended up with 98 separate PRs, so I made some changes to Renovate to try to "bundle" associated helmrelease / helm values together...

Create a "bait" HelmRelease

Here's the challenge - given only a helm release version number, how do we create a file containing the helmrelease details, and the helm value details? Turns out that's relatively easy, since helm is able to retrieve a chart's values with helm show values, so I have an ansible playbook which (per helm-chart) retrieves these, using helm show values {{ helm_chart_repo }}/{{ helm_chart_name }} --version {{ helm_chart_version }}. 1

The values are inserted into a helmrelease YAML file using a template like this:

# This file exists simply to trigger renovatebot to alert us to upstream updates, and it's not
# intended to ever be actually processed by flux
kind: HelmRelease
  name: {{ helm_chart_release }}
  namespace: {{ helm_chart_namespace }}
      chart: {{ helm_chart_name }}
      version: {{ helm_chart_version }}
        kind: HelmRepository
        name: {{ helm_chart_repo }}
        namespace: flux-system
{% filter indent(width=4) %}
{{ _helm_default_values.stdout }}
{% endfilter %}

Which results in a helmrelease which looks a bit like this:

# This file exists simply to trigger renovatebot to alert us to upstream updates, and it's not
# intended to ever be actually processed by flux
kind: HelmRelease
  name: mongodb
  namespace: mongodb
      chart: mongodb
      version: 13.6.2
        kind: HelmRepository
        name: bitnami
        namespace: flux-system

    ## @section Global parameters
    ## Global Docker image parameters

<snip for readability>

    ## Bitnami MongoDB(&reg;) image
    ## ref:
    ## @param image.registry MongoDB(&reg;) image registry
    ## @param image.repository MongoDB(&reg;) image registry
    ## @param image.tag MongoDB(&reg;) image tag (immutable tags are recommended)
    ## @param image.digest MongoDB(&reg;) image digest in the way sha256:aa.... Please note this parameter, if set, will override the tag
    ## @param image.pullPolicy MongoDB(&reg;) image pull policy
    ## @param image.pullSecrets Specify docker-registry secret names as an array
    ## @param image.debug Set to true if you would like to see extra information on logs
      repository: bitnami/mongodb
      tag: 6.0.3-debian-11-r9

I save this helmrelease outside of my flux-managed folders into a folder called renovatebait (I don't want to actually apply changes immediately, I just want to be told that there are changes available. There will inevitably be some "massaging" of the default values required, but now I know that an update is available.)

Alter Renovate's packageFile value

Just pointing renovate at this file would still create multiple PRs, since each renovate "manager" creates its PR branches independently... the secret sauce is changing the name of the branch renovate uses for its PRs, like this:

  "flux": {
    "fileMatch": ["renovatebait/.*"]
  "helm-values": {
    "fileMatch": ["renovatebait/.*"]
  "branchTopic": "{{{replace 'helmrelease-' '' packageFile}}}",

The branchTopic value takes the packageFile name (i.e., helmrelease-mongodb.yaml), strips off the helmrelease-, and creates a PR branch named renovate/renovatebait/mongodb.yaml.

Now next time renovate runs, I get a single, nice succinct PR with a list of all the chart/images changes, like this:

PR summary screenshot

And an informative diff, like this:

PR screenshot


By changing the name of the PR branch that renovate uses to create its PRs, it's possible to consolidate all the affected changes in a single PR. W00t!

Chef's notes 📓

  1. Yes, we ansiblize the creation of our helmreleases. It means all versions (images and charts) can be captured in one ansible dictionary. 

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