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Funky Penguin's Geek Cookblog

Mastodon + CloudFlare + B2 Object Storage = free egress

When setting up my Mastodon instance, I jumped directly to storing all media in object storage (Backblaze B2, in my case), because I didn't want to allocate / estimate local storage requirements.

This turned out to be a great decision, as my media bucket quickly grew to over 100GB, but as a result, all of my media was served behind URLs like, and could technically be scraped without using my Mastodon URL.

Here's how to improve this, and also serve your Mastodon instance from behind a CloudFlare proxy...

Consolidating multiple manager changes in Renovate PRs

I work on several large clusters, administered using FluxCD, which in which we carefully manage the update of Helm releases using Flux's HelmRelease CR.

Recently, we've started using Renovate to alert us to pending upgrades, by creating PRs when a helm update or an image update in the associated helm values.yaml is available (I like to put the upstream chart's values in to the HelmRelease so that changes can be tracked in one place)

The problem is, it's likely that the images in a chart's values.yaml will be updated when the chart is updated, but I don't need a separate PR for each image! (imagine a helm chart with 10 image references!)

The first time I tried this, I ended up with 98 separate PRs, so I made some changes to Renovate to try to "bundle" associated helmrelease / helm values together...

HAProxy health checks against kube-apiserver

There are plenty of tutorials out there about how to run a highly-available kubernetes api-server behind haproxy. Without exception however, these tutorials configure haproxy to "check" the health of the backends with a simple TCP connection. These can produce a false sense of security though...